Magic Stones

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149 Water St
Stonington, CT, 06378
United States

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what magic will you create?


Magic Stones® are pocket-size inspirations for creating positive change, joy and healing. Each crystal glass stone is handcrafted with positive intention in Stonington CT. 


Hold them, carry them with you, talk about them...soon you will see their qualities reflected in your life. 

Oprah Winfrey discovered Magic Stones and featured them as tool to draw to you events that you desire and  encouragement to rise above fearful situations.

Nikki feeling Fearless

Nikki feeling Fearless


The possibilities...


National autism association partnership

We are proud of our partnership with the National Autism Association inspired by autistic family members and a daughter who is a passionate teacher of autistic students in Denver, Colorado. We donate 30% of our Piece of the Puzzle Magic Stones sales price and during April Autism Awareness month, 30% of all Magic Stones sales.  



What Magic are You creating?

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